Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Stacy Ramos PR's at Columbia!

Stacy Ramos, from Annapolis, MD ranked 103rd in Overall Women that totalled 472! This places Stacy in the Top 21% of women in the entire race! In addition to improving her swim time by over 2 minutes, she had a lightning fast T2 of 1:32! Now that's hustling!
The next set of victims on Stacy's race Calendar will be lined up at the infamous Eagelman race. Please join me in wishing her luck one her next adventure! Great Job Stacy!!!!

Stacy writes...
Great race Sunday! Better my time from last year by 11 minutes - with a surprising 2.5 min decrease in my swim time (I guess sighting does actually work! :) ) and a significant gain on the bike leg despite the wet roads. All my HRM training paying off! :) Saw Cassie and Cathy pre-race. Didn't see Bart but his times were wicked fast! Congrats everyone on a great day and good finish!

2 more weeks 'til Eagleman!


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